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Ricor Polska

Ricor is a British manufacturer of components for the automotive industry – metal, pressed, welded and painted products. Its clients include: Audi, Volkswagen, Ford, Fiat.

We built a new factory for the Investor. The completed facility is a production and warehouse hall with light steel structure.
Special foundations were prepared there for 5 presses of 400 to 1,250 tons of pressure, as well as the necessary technical rooms: a transformer station, power distribution room, boiler room, compressor room and production technical room.

An office building was built to complement the production facility. Noteworthy is the fact that the materials used, especially finishing materials, were kept to a minimum, and their selection was guided by the desire to highlight and bring out their natural aesthetic qualities and aspects of their impact on human health.

5.400 m2 (w tym pow. biurowa 480 m2)
Year of implementation
Scope of work
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